HootDex Legal Disclaimer

HootDex is a decentralized peer-to-peer digital asset swapping system “The System” that allows individuals and organizations to create liquidity, liquidity pools and trade PNP16 tokens created on the Pecu Novus Blockchain Network. Your use of the HootDex System involves various risks, including, but not limited to, losses while digital assets are being supplied to HootDex and losses due to the fluctuation of prices of coins and tokens in a trading pair or liquidity pool.
Before using the HootDex System, it is highly recommended that all relevant documentation on the HootDex information website or elsewhere is reviewed to make sure you understand how the HootDex System functions. Additionally, just as you can access email through multiple email clients, you can access the HootDex System through various web or mobile interfaces. Although many precautions are taken to insure the security of HootDex Members it is ultimately the responsibility of the individual to do their due diligence and make sure that they understand how those interfaces work, how they integrate into HootDex, the fees they may charge and risks they may present. Viewing their disclaimer area is highly recommended for your safety.
AS DESCRIBED IN ALL HOOTDEX USE LICENSES, THE HOOTDEX SYSTEM IS PROVIDED “AS IS” , AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. Although MegaHoot Technologies, Inc has developed a majority of the initial coding for HootDex, it solely maintains and upgrades the decentralized system, the system is run by smart contracts on the Pecu Novus Blockchain Network. Upgrades and modifications to the System are initiated as needed or as requested by the HootDex Community. In no way are developers or entities involved in creating the HootDex System liable for any claims or damages whatsoever associated with your use, inability to use, or your interaction with other members of, the HootDex System, including any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, or loss of profits, cryptocurrencies, tokens, or anything of value.
By using the HootDex System you agree to the terms of service and understand this disclaimer in full. If you are unsure of the nature of this disclaimer then it is advised that you should not utilize the HootDex System until you have clear understanding.


HootDex Non-Token Quotes and Global Pricing Disclaimer

All quotes for stocks on HootDex are for informational purposes only, data is provided by various data providers and featured on HootDex as a courtesy to HootDex members. HootDex is a decentralized digital asset swapping system and does not offer nor allow for stocks to be traded, swapped or otherwise transferred on HootDex.
Data is provided by exchanges for Global Pricing of digital assets and data providers may be delayed as specified by exchanges or our data providers. HootDex, its affiliates or assigns may disclaim the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of any data and shall not be liable for any errors, omissions or other defects in, delays or interruptions in such data, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. HootDex, its affiliates or assigns will not be liable for any damages relating to a members use of the information provided herein.
It is agreed upon that you understand that by using HootDex that no one has the right to copy, modify, reformat, download, store, reproduce, reprocess, transmit or redistribute any data or information found herein or use any such data or information in a commercial enterprise without obtaining prior written consent or having a valid subscription. All stock and forex data and information are provided “as is” for personal informational purposes only, and is not intended for trading purposes or advice. Please consult your broker or financial representative to verify pricing before executing any trade.

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